Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Vika Second Trip Day 2 Part 1

Our second trip to see Vika took place in February of 2010. This trip was all about court. We had to see Vika twice before court. Like we were going to change our mind or something... LOL. Durring this trip the jet lag bug hit Amy hard... The first trip it was me. Thank God it was the week of the Winter Olympics. We would watch them all night long live from Canada when we couldn't sleep. I don't think I have ever watched that much figure skating EVER! LOL

Our court appt was a Thursday and went very quick.. I was the only male in the room. The judge and all of her staff were female. I did get asked most of the questions pretty basic questions. The big favorite of the proceeding was the huge book of pics I brought along from the first trip that we took of Vika. They passed it from person to person; starting with the judge.

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